Key idea

“Small and medium-sized companies face various challenges in 2022, such as digitalization, global competition and adaptation to new market trends. It's critical that they focus on innovation and continuous improvement to survive and thrive in this changing environment.”

If you have a company or business, and you are worried about what challenges you will face this year, in this article we will answer all your questions!

Although I already told you that these challenges aren't the only ones you'll have to face, since it is (very) likely that your business will face additional ones that you know better than anyone else.

Business Challenges in 2022

Sustainability: the challenge of the retail sector

Over the past few years, consumers have changed their consumption habits tremendously, which shows that there is greater concern and awareness about the impact of their purchases on the environment.

To give you an idea, according to a PWC study, in 2021 4 out of 10 Spanish consumers say they feel more eco-friendly than before the pandemic.

Companies, especially in the retail sector, should take note of this data and offer products made with ecological and recyclable materials, as well as carrying out actions that contribute positively to the environment, such as offsetting the carbon footprint, among others.

The supply crisis: the challenge of the horeca sector

For companies in the horeca sector, The supply crisis will be a big challenge.

It will have a greater impact on this type of business due to the abundant expenditure of supplies they need for their premises and services to continue to operate properly, but it will also affect other SMEs in the real estate, tourism or retail sector, to a greater or lesser extent. And the fact is that many experts confirm that the supply crisis, which began in 2021, will last and will continue to affect us throughout 2022.

The health of your employees

The past two years have been especially tough for many people (and still are).

Do you know? An InfoJobs report shows that the Half of the health problems of Spaniards are directly related to their work, and one in three employees has experienced symptoms since the start of the pandemic.

This challenge is common for SMEs from multiple sectors and, as a result, they will have to devise mechanisms that help regulate some aspects such as digital disconnection or overtime.

To a greater extent, this problem is due to the promotion of teleworking, which has generated positive results, but also other negative aspects, such as staying connected to mobile devices once the working day is over.

It is for this reason that companies have to do their best to achieve a total disconnect outside working hours, combining it with other mechanisms that help to truly understand how their workers are feeling and how they can help them manage their different problems related to their mental health.

These challenges must be accepted by companies in the horeca, real estate, tourism, retail and any sector, to the extent possible.