Legal Notice Terms of use

Widuid Unified Services, S.L. (hereinafter, Polaroo), with registered office at Calle Tuset, 23-25, 7º, 08006 Barcelona, CIF B67087403, with e-mail, registered in the Commercial Register of Barcelona, Volume 46126, Folio 20, Sheet No. B510264, provides the Polaroo Website and its related services in accordance with the terms set forth below.

1. Polaroo service

Polaroo's service may include the centralization of services, invoices and payments of the different properties, properties, premises or apartments that the User may have; the management of the services indicated in the web site; the annual review and optimization of the services when possible; and the management of the payment to suppliers of the recurrent expenses and their corresponding invoices contracted by the User, in a single platform. Polaroo is not responsible for the notifications received by the client by any means of communication that have not been duly informed to Polaroo's agents for the realization of the opportune managements, whether by burofax, postal letter, communication, in writing, telephone or email.

Unless expressly agreed otherwise, Polaroo has no control over or responsibility for the Services offered or provided by the Providers, the latter being solely responsible for the execution of the transactions requested by the Members. Therefore, Polaroo is not a producer, in accordance with articles 5 and 138 of the Spanish Law RDL 1/2007 of General Protection of Consumers and Users.

Polaroo will ensure compliance with the rights of consumers and the obligations established to the parties by the Spanish Laws.

In case of dispute, Polaroo will provide, upon request to either party, the information and documents recorded in its information systems in relation to the specific transaction, in order to facilitate the resolution of associated disputes.

2. User Registration

To access the service it is essential to be at least sixteen years old (16).

A full legal name, email address, and all the information required for each case and service by Polaroo in the account creation process must be provided. Any user, person or entity that has requested the contracting of Polaroo's services and has signed the offer of services and/or the power of attorney for the management of the different services accepts these Terms and Conditions, and following the procedure provided for that purpose, will be considered as a Member (the condition of Member is equivalent to the condition of Client of the Service).

Polaroo, prior communication to the User, reserves the right to refuse the registration of Members whose registration has been previously revoked or those who, for any reason, are considered as ineligible Members by Polaroo.

In order to carry out the registration, the User must fill in all the information required by Polaroo's agents in the form, email or method provided and according to their indications, after carefully reading the completion instructions.

The User declares that all information provided to Polaroo is true, complete, accurate, exhaustive and up to date; otherwise, Polaroo may, upon notice to the User, immediately suspend or close his account, at its discretion.

The User must update and/or modify his personal information and the data associated with his means of payment and contact details by informing Polaroo's agents. All transactions carried out prior to the update of personal data will be based on the information stored in our files. Polaroo shall not be liable for any loss, delay, expense or damage due to failure to update, error or inaccuracy of the data entered.

The parties agree to legally equate the customer's autographic signature to that made by any other type of key, code or identifying security element. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Service Provider may require written confirmation from the Customer when deemed necessary.

3. Contracting and pricing

The contracting of a Polaroo payment plan is initiated at the moment the user signs the service offer, the proxy proxy or the SEPA order. The plans and discounts for each modality are specified in the Polaroo pricing section. Different prices apply in each case. Polaroo reserves the right to modify the rates unilaterally and at any time, prior communication to the User, without granting any right of compensation to the users.

4. Payment and access

To make payments, it is necessary to enter the IBAN account number and sign the SEPA order, regardless of the fact that for annual payments the User can make a transfer to the Polaroo IBAN account provided.

Polaroo will periodically charge the User a monthly recurring fee depending on the type of account contracted. Similarly, Polaroo will periodically charge the user an annual recurring fee if the user has chosen the annual payment method.

The billing of the properties, services or additional functionalities added in a specific month are billed in the next invoice and are updated in the monthly rate of the service. If you have elected to pay the fee on an annual basis, you will be billed for the annual fee for the additional properties, services or features added at the time of your request.

There will be no refunds or credits for partial months of the Service, nor will there be refunds in the event that the user does not use the Service during the period of time the account is open. In no event shall any exceptions be made.

The user agrees that it shall not be necessary to confirm receipt of acceptance of the contract when it has been concluded exclusively by electronic communication.

Offers are valid for the days stipulated in the offer proposal. Once accepted and signed, the charge will start to count at the moment of the release of the tool, if it has started to optimize services, or 30 days after the signature without exception. Sufficient time for the User to provide all the information required by Polaroo's agents to configure the platform.

For those Users who have chosen and can enjoy the delegated payment management, their invoice will be broken down between Polaroo's fee for the service and the delegated payment corresponding to the management of payments to suppliers for each of the premises or properties managed.

In case of non-payment or return of the receipt, the user will be notified of the default to resolve the situation, if after 2 notices the situation is not rectified by proceeding with the payment, the cancellation of the service will be generated. The third communication will include, for Users who have chosen delegated payment management, the activation of the return of receipts from suppliers, the claim of the balance if negative and the automatic loss of the ability to access the Service. If the non-payment is resolved after the third notice, the account will be automatically reactivated. Otherwise, the data will be deleted within sixty (60) days from the date of default.

5. Modification, revision and suspension

Polaroo reserves the right to modify or suspend, temporarily or permanently, the Service at any time and for any reason, with or without prior notice if it sees fit. Polaroo reserves the right to modify and adapt the service fees and monthly deposits with 15 days notice. Notification of rate and/or fee changes will be posted on the Polaroo website and in writing.

Users who have chosen and can enjoy delegated payment management will generate a balance (positive or negative) with respect to Polaroo. Negative balances exceeding a negative monthly deposit as determined by Polaroo's agents will be regularized at the end of each month. Polaroo at the end of each month will execute a SEPA regularization charge to maintain and ensure the health of each user's balance in order to meet all delegated payments made on behalf of the customer. Example: if the monthly deposit of delegated payments equals 1.500€, but the user has a negative balance of 1.800€, at the end of the month Polaroo's agents will regularize 300€.

Polaroo reviews the balance on a monthly basis to ensure the quality of the service and the viability of delegated payments. Balances can be regulated either negatively or positively, claiming the difference to leave the account at 0€ or returning the positive balance generated. Polaroo will always look for mechanisms to facilitate the review and compensation of the balance.

6. Cancellation and termination

The user is responsible for the proper cancellation of his account. You may cancel your account by contacting us at Once your account is cancelled, all of your content will be deleted after thirty (30) days. You may cancel your account at any time, but you will be responsible for all charges incurred up to that point, including the full monthly charge for the month in which you discontinue service, and for clearing any negative balance you had with Polaroo as a preliminary step. Once the balance has been regularized for those users who have chosen the payment management, the Polaroo service will no longer be paid. If the user has chosen the annual payment method, the service will remain active until the last day of the 12th month of the service since the payment of the annual fee. Polaroo does not oblige the user to pay the annual fee. We prefer the user to be able to choose. In exchange for the annual subscription and as a thank you for the commitment, Polaroo offers a significant discount to already very competitive rates. Polaroo reserves the right to cancel an account or prevent the use of the Software to those who do not comply with these terms of use.

7. Protection of Personal Data and Confidentiality

For the provision of the service, WIDUID UNIFIED SERVICES S.L. will have the status of Data Processor on behalf of the User, who will be Data Controller. To this end, the Data Processor will process personal data on behalf of the Data Controller, given that access to personal data by the Data Processor is necessary for the execution and provision of the services.

The contractual framework by which the Processor is authorized to access personal data on behalf of the Controller is set out in the Annex "Processing Order". Both the Controller and the Processor must comply in their actions, both with the established contractual clauses and with the provisions of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the Protection of Personal Data of Natural Persons (RGPD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).

The data that users enter on the Polaroo platform is hosted on Google servers in the European Union, thus guaranteeing both data hosting regulations and the highest levels of security and accessibility on the market. Widuid Unified Services, S.L. and its employees only have access to the account data in order to improve the service as well as to offer a good support service. All Polaroo employees and partners have signed a confidentiality agreement in compliance with privacy regulations including GDPR.

8. Renewal Policy

Renewal of subscriptions

For the user's convenience, subscriptions are automatically renewed until you want to cancel the subscription. That is why they can cancel their monthly / annual subscription by contacting us at Once everything is settled and there are no negative balances, for those users who have chosen the delegated payment mode, Polaroo will cancel the service.

Return Policy

Polaroo will not accept requests for refunds from users whose service has been suspended or terminated due to non-compliance with Polaroo's terms and conditions. Nor will it accept refunds of the service fee except in exceptional cases by express agreement between the parties.

9. Industrial and intellectual property

Use of copyrighted material

All material appearing on the website is the property of Polaroo or other related companies. With respect to Polaroo's photographic and branded content and materials, we encourage the user to copy and use them as long as they are not used for commercial purposes.


All trademarks used on this website are the registered property of Polaroo, or their respective owners.

10. Limitation of liability

From Information
Polaroo is not responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, adequacy, suitability, and updating of the information provided through the Website. The contents of this page are purely informative, so we are not responsible for the decisions made by the User based on them, nor for any damages caused to the User or third parties based on this information.

On the quality of the Service
‍The User admits knowing and being aware of the existence of viruses, worms and other malicious elements on the Network. In any case, the User shall be responsible for the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of these harmful computer programs, and Polaroo shall not be liable for any damage caused to the computer equipment of the User or third parties during their access to the Website.

Availability of the Service

Access to the website requires services and supplies by other service providers of the information society, whose reliability, quality, continuity and operation is beyond the control of Polaroo. Consequently, the services provided through the website may be suspended, cancelled or become inaccessible at any time, for which we cannot be held liable.

Polaroo is not responsible for any damages of any kind caused to the User due to failures or disconnections in telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the website service during the provision of the same or prior to it.

11. Prohibitions

- Use any of the contents and services for illicit purposes or effects, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or in any way damage, disable, overburden, impair or impede the normal use of services, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment Polaroo.

- Use content and services that are protected by any intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to the entity or third parties, without the User having previously obtained from their owners the necessary authorization to carry out the use that he/she makes or intends to make.

- The user agrees not to resell, duplicate, reproduce or exploit any part of the Service without the express written consent of Polaroo.- Modify, distribute or sell the content hosted, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.

- Incorporate viruses or other physical or electronic elements that may damage or impede the normal operation of the network, system or computer equipment (hardware and software) of Polaroo or third parties or that may damage electronic documents and files stored on such computer equipment.

- Obtaining or even attempting to obtain the contents by using means or procedures other than those that, as the case may be, have been made available for this purpose in general, of those normally used on the Internet for this purpose, provided that they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the Web, the Services and/or the Contents.

12. Nullity

The declaration of nullity or invalidity of any clause contained in these terms and conditions by award or judgment shall not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other clauses.

13. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions are governed in each and every one of its ends by Spanish law.

For any litigious matter related to this Web Site will apply Spanish law, being competent for it the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain).