Sectors  ›  Co-livings

Boost Your Coliving Profits

The more colivings you manage, the more providers, invoices, incidents, and calculations you'll need to handle. Take command of costs, gain efficiency, and enhance your margins.

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Your partner in the growth of your Coliving

Simplify your day-to-day life by efficiently managing recurring services in your Coliving, such as electricity, gas, internet, water, insurance, and more. Optimize your time, reduce costs and minimize risks for a more effective management.

All-in-one data hub

All your invoices in one platform

All your invoices organized with amounts and consumption data already broken down and ready to be uploaded to your accounting system.

Integrate with ERP systems and make informed decisions.

Polaroo as a data hub
Business Intelligence

Real-time reporting and analysis

Analyze the profitability of your Colivings in a few seconds. 

Monitor the consumption and expenses of each apartment and project costs without complications.

Simplified check-out: Get a report on the consumption and expenditure of a tenant associated with their stay. And with it, estimate the return of the deposit or security deposit that has been left.

Analyse documents conceptul image
Maximised Profitability

We optimize your costs

Don't know which electricity, water, internet or gas tariffs or providers to choose? Controlling tariff changes with Polaroo is a thing of the past.

Polaroo gives you peace of mind knowing that you are not overpaying. Our team reviews your contracts on a recurring basis to avoid surprises.

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With years of experience:
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Developed by and for Your Co-livings

Discover the functionalities of our platform for Co-livings that hundreds of companies already use to centralize, control, save, and make automatic supply calculations in seconds.

Information extraction

Generation of users in the service provider's customer area.

Digitization of all your invoice data with AI and extraction for analysis.

Categorization of the amount spent, consumptions and payments, giving you a clear and detailed view.

Customer support

Unlimited management of any incident with suppliers or fees.

Queries about suppliers and services (consumption, last bills, general terms and conditions, data privacy or market issues).

Claiming incorrect invoices.

Unified information

Access to the control panel where you can consult all the information of your collivings.

Collection of all your invoices in PDF in a single place, accessible at all times.

Delegated payment service

Payment to suppliers on your behalf.

Cost analysis of the last 12 months and rate calculation to offer a single monthly payment.

Cost optimization

Identification and evaluation of suppliers by area.

Periodic review of your tariffs to ensure the best conditions.

Electric power optimization study.

Agile management of changes

Change of supplier and type of contract (time discrimination, 3.0, regulated, free...).

Change of power, domiciliation, ownership and e-mail address.

Service contracting (extension of shared apartments, change of tenants...).

Personalized communication

Monthly sending of invoices by email in a compressed folder and an excel file with all the extracted expenses for your accounting.

Monthly newsletter with sector information.

“Essential for Managing Your Coliving"

Elevate your profitability and seamless growth with our comprehensive supplier management service for Coliving. With Polaroo, we tackle your challenges head-on.

No Polaroo: Constant challenges and frictions.

Chaos in data extraction: extracting and analyzing your invoices manually becomes chaotic.
Blind choices: you don't know which provider, market or tariff to choose to optimize your costs.
Diminished profitability: you lose the opportunity to improve the margin of each of your co-livings.
Limited visibility: loss of visibility on payments and expenses, affecting your decision making.
Reactive management: putting out fires and incidents with suppliers consumes your time and energy on a daily basis.
Tedious administrative management: hours spent collecting invoices and tax returns, far from strategic activities.
Complexity of access: multiple logins to access supplier portals generate confusion.

With Polaroo

Automate your invoices: digitize and access all invoices from all suppliers.
Strategic decisions: Polaroo takes the reins, analyzing the market to select tailored suppliers, rates and services.
Gain intelligence and control: access to cost, payment and consumption data by supply and point of sale. Avoid friction and surprises due to excessive consumption, while maintaining financial stability.
Guaranteed profitability: constant cost optimization, ensuring the best profitability margin for your establishments.
Effective delegation: we take care of incident management and contact with suppliers, so that your efforts are aimed at growth.
Dedicated manager: tasks such as registrations, cancellations, modifications and claims are carried out by an expert manager so that you can spend your time on what is really important.
Lightened workload: significant reduction in workload, from bill collection to tax formalities.
What they say about us:
Iván Moreno

"The experience with Polaroo is very satisfactory. It is generating us savings and automated management of energy expenditure in all our real estate assets."

Iván Moreno

Operations Director @Homiii

Saved time
Saved money
Álvaro Córdoba

"Polaroo has been a strategic partner that has facilitated smoother and more efficient supply management, allowing us to grow and prosper in a way we didn't think possible before. We have no hesitation in recommending their services in supply management."

Álvaro Córdoba

Co-founder & COO @Badi

Saved time
Saved money
Efficiency increase
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Simplificamos el trabajo de tus equipos

Polaroo ofrece una interfaz intuitiva que simplifica el uso de cientos de sistemas y la gestión con múltiples proveedores de servicios.

Administrativos Contables
Elimina horas de trabajo con un par de clics
Solicita una demo

Olvídate de los logins, de recopilar y de contabilizar facturas manualmente

Automatiza tareas repetitivas, manuales y farragosas añadiendo valor en lo que realmente importa

Digitaliza y conecta todas tus facturas automáticamente a tu ERP sin esfuerzo

Accounting explainer graphic
Dirección financiera
Identifica la rentabilidad de tus activos fácilmente
Solicita una demo

Calcula márgenes y rentabilidad sobre la marcha. Sencillo, rápido y preciso.

Prevé tus gastos y evita sorpresas que puedan afectar tus previsiones de tesorería.

Visualiza la evolución del consumo por periodos, servicio y propiedad gestionada.

Financial explainer graphic
Equipo de operaciones
Delega las gestiones con proveedores
Solicita una demo

Elimina las fricciones que retrasan el crecimiento del negocio.

Gestiona de manera rápida y efectiva las incidencias, altas, bajas y cambios de titularidad de tus suministros.

Asegura el buen funcionamiento de tus suministros básicos.

Operational explainer graphic

Transform Your Co-livings with Sustainability and ESG

We assist Co-livings in managing, optimizing, and controlling their consumption, turning all their real estate assets green.

Try it free for 30 days!

Let your Co-livings contribute to a greener and more responsible future

Reduce your carbon footprint
Optimize your energetic consumption
Contract clean energy suppliers
Members of Business Associations:

Preguntas frecuentes

La experiencia de trabajar con clientes de tantas industrias nos ha permitido adelantarnos a vuestras preguntas

How can Polaroo help me manage the supplies in my coliving space?

Polaroo simplifies the management of your coliving space's utilities by centralising all invoices on a single platform. From there, you can monitor the consumption of electricity, water, gas, internet and other essential services efficiently, no matter how many suppliers or properties you manage. This allows you to have a clear overview of your expenses and optimise the management of your space, reducing time and effort.

Is it possible to divide and automate supply costs between residents with Polaroo?

Yes, Polaroo allows you to divide and automate the costs of utilities among the guests of your coliving space. With our platform, you can allocate costs equally and track them transparently, ensuring that each resident covers their share of the costs without hassle, making monthly management easier.

Can Polaroo manage the supply of multiple properties or coliving spaces?

Absolutely. Polaroo is designed to manage multiple properties or coliving spaces from a single platform. Whether you manage a single space or multiple spaces in different locations, you can centralise all supplies and invoices, allowing you to control all expenses and consumption efficiently in a single dashboard.

How can Polaroo help me save money on supplies for my coliving space?

Polaroo helps you save up to 40% on utility costs by optimising your contracts with suppliers. Our team of experts regularly reviews rates and conditions, making sure you always get the best deals on electricity, water, gas and internet for your coliving space. This reduces your operating expenses and increases profitability.

Does Polaroo offer customised support for supply management in coliving spaces?

Yes, Polaroo offers personalised support with an exclusive Account Manager assigned to each client. This manager will be in charge of all the supply management in your coliving space, from registrations and cancellations to the resolution of incidents and complaints. This way, you can completely delegate these tasks and focus on the daily operation of your coliving.

How can I start using Polaroo for supply management in my coliving space, and what are the steps to follow?

To start using Polaroo, you just need to contact us for our team to make an initial diagnosis of your properties or request a demo. We will set up the platform with the supplies and contracts for your coliving space, and we will provide you with personalised training so that you can take advantage of all the functionalities. Your Account Manager will accompany you throughout the process to ensure a smooth and efficient integration.

What is included in the price?

Polaroo pricing depends on the number of properties and services you need to manage. Our pricing includes full invoice management, contract optimisation, consumption reporting, payment automation and a dedicated Account Manager. You can check our pricing page for more details and find the plan that best suits your coliving space.

If your question isn't covered here, reach out to us at
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