Key idea

“The war between Ukraine and Russia is having a significant impact on business, especially in the import and export sector. It's crucial for companies to prepare for potential supply chain disruptions and to diversify their suppliers. Adaptability and strategic planning are key to overcoming these challenges and maintaining business stability.”

The war between Ukraine and Russia has become a geopolitical conflict that has had, has and will have consequences ofconsequences at different levels due to the rupture of the supply chain or problems with access to raw materials, among others.

But not only this, as you may know, Russia and Ukraine are among the world's largest exporters of natural gas, oil, metals and crucial agricultural products. We could say that they are “lifesavers for the European economy”.

Son 15,000 Spanish companies that have export or import trade relations with Russia and Ukraine. To give you an idea, all of them totalled a purchase value of more than 11.3 billion euros in 2021.

If the crisis drags on, it could mean significant repercussions for energy supply in Europe. Repercussions that, in one way or another, we are already suffering with the prices of certain basic goods and services.

But to what extent does this situation affect your company? Or, to what extent can it affect? Let's see it!

Energy consequences for your company of the war between Russia and Ukraine

If there is one area where the worst consequences are feared, it is undoubtedly in energy matters. Spain continues to be dependent in this regard, although not in the same way as other European countries.

If your business belongs to the automotive sector or the feed industry, you will suffer more from the consequences of the war. In addition, the cost of raw materials, especially gas and oil, will be what can cause an increase in inflation.

In short, The degree to which this problem may affect your company will depend on how long the war lasts and the sector to which your company belongs. Of course, the longer it lasts, the more price increases will increase, especially in energy, and this will be transferred to the rest of the economy's products.

In any case, prevention is better than cure and regardless of how long this problem lasts and the sector to which your business belongs, it doesn't hurt to startstart taking action with respect to your company's supplies to prevent price increases affecting business margins. To do this, you can start applying these 3 tips to save on your business.

Consequences of the war between Russia and Ukraine on the export of supplies for your company

Ukraine and Russia are the countries with the highest number of exports in the world in certain raw materials, representing 59% of the total exports of sunflower oil, 36% of iron and non-alloy steel and 26% of wheat.

There are many countries, according to the United Nations, that have a high dependence on Russian and Ukrainian exports, in this area, especially countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe.

So If your company requires or needs some of these supplies for its proper functioning, it will also be affected very directly because of the consequences of this war.

Which autonomous community will suffer the greatest consequences of the war between Ukraine and Russia

The answer is clear: Barcelona.

As I said at the beginning, there are 15,000 Spanish companies that have some type of commercial relationship with Russia and Ukraine.

By Spanish provinces, the one most affected by the economic standstill resulting from the war will be Barcelona, since, from there, goods worth 640 million euros were exported to Russia and Ukraine last year, mainly in the textile and chemical sectors.

In short, as you have been able to verify, they will be seen affected many of the basic supplies in which Polaroo can help you to provide you with greater visibility and control, constantly optimizing the costs of these supplies with different suppliers, improving the predictability of expenses and saving management times.