Key idea

“Polaroo offers a service to reduce fixed expenses for companies. With their artificial intelligence technology, they analyze company expenses and find ways to save money in areas such as telecommunications, energy and insurance. The service is easy to use and requires no changes to current providers.”

A company's expenses vary depending on the type of business you have, but the truth is that many expenses are common to (almost) everyone:

  • The electricity bill
  • The water bill
  • The internet bill
  • The gas bill
  • The cleaning fee
  • The cost of insurance

At first, I can think of those and there are not a few of them; right? Especially if we stop to look at the amount each of them represents month by month.

Although, if I asked you how much money you paid for supplies from your premises last month, would you know how to tell me? 90% of entrepreneurs don't know what they pay for their fixed expenses each month, and that's a problem.

Added to this are other types of problems:

  • Lack of time to look at and analyse how to reduce those expenses
  • Inefficiency in having to consult the different expenses on the different platforms of each provider (with different users, passwords and ways of presenting information)
  • And, above all, recklessness for not having each one of your expense bills organized.

If we put together all those typical everyday problems of an entrepreneur, we find a tailor-made solution, and that's what I'm here to talk to you about in this post.

Program to manage the expenses of your small or medium-sized business

We know the problems I mentioned before perfectly because we work with numerous companies who, like you, have:

  • Restaurants such as Glovo, Instamaki, 9reinas...
  • Laundromats as Dola Undry
polaroo supplies management companies

And many others that, like yours and like other companies, have to deal with everyday problems:

  • Go crazy at the end of the month when you have to close the accounts because you are missing expense invoices.
  • Absolute ignorance, How much do you pay for your supplies at the end of the month.
  • Hours and hours lost on the phone to try to resolve some kind of incident.

We could go on, but since I'm sure you know your company's problems by heart, we prefer to talkTalk to you about solutions.

Expense control software for SMEs or the self-employed

All these problems are solved with expense control software that gives you the control and peace of mind that your business needs, allowing you to:

  • To have an expert at your disposal than review your prices, manage changes, improvements or complaints of the invoices for your premises.
  • To have a control panel for all your expenses which allows you to check your consumption, payments and digitized invoices for all your premises from any device (computer or mobile), visually and comfortably.
  • To have a single fee that includes payment for all your company's services: internet, cleaning service, electricity, water, telephone, insurance...

Management service to reduce your business expenses

And in addition to all of the above benefits, guarantees you to have the best prices and conditions on the market at all times for your supplies...

Why? Because an expert reviews your bills on a regular basis to check if, with a change of rate and/or company, you can reduce these types of expenses, which, over the year, turn into a large outlay of money.

In short, we have designed this solution by and for entrepreneurs, freelancers and entrepreneurs who, like you, They can don't worry about tedious tasks, optimize your business costs, and dedicate your time to what really matters.

You dedicate yourself to your business, which Polaroo does the rest.

Do you want more information? Write to us through our contact page!