Key idea

“Comparing between several suppliers before choosing a company for your supplies is essential to obtain the best quality and price. Don't settle for the first option, research and compare to make the right decision.”

The choice of energy and gas companies is highly subjective and is based on user preferences. Regardless of the reason for hiring. Therefore, it is important not to be fooled by discounts that disappear after a while and make rates too expensive.  

How to save on energy bills for electricity and/or gas?

The price of energy supply depends on many factors affecting the total price. Consumers are always looking to save on electricity and gas bills, so they can adhere to the following concepts to achieve savings:

  • Find better discounts
  • Control the consumption that occurs at home to save
  • Modify the electric power to reduce the cost of double billing

If you make the appropriate changes, and you look for better energy and natural gas supplies in the market, combined with all of the above aspects, you can save a lot of money.

How to change the electricity and gas company

One of the biggest increases in electricity and gas bills is the lack of correct rates. There are many companies that offer different discounts on electricity and natural gas, seeking to be more competitive and significantly reduce the price paid.

We must know that if there are better conditions, we can change the contracted energy and natural gas companies. The different forms of changes are as follows:

  1. Unify the supply of natural gas and electricity and thus get great discounts.
  3. Change the electricity rate only.
  5. Change the gas rate for other discounts or contract terms.

In general, dual plans tend to offer better terms than the separate ones, but it all depends on the company that offers them and on the needs of each person. To change the rate, you must call the marketer, request the change and provide the necessary details for the new contract.

What electrical power is best for me to have

In terms of electricity supply, certain changes can also be applied to reduce electricity bills. One of these aspects is the contract electricity, which is called the fixed part of the bill, and the consumer must pay no matter how much is consumed.

Sometimes, the electricity contracted at home is too high and you pay too much money for it. Therefore, it is always recommended to precalculateprecalculate the required power term using any of the following methods:

  • Use the energy calculator to estimate the energy required in your home.
  • Calculate maximum power with the help of a licensed electrician.

You just have to Call the dealer to request a power reduction. As electricity changes, cheaper prices can also be offered, which is an aspect that consumers should consider and that can represent the income from their electricity bills.

Measures to save on electricity and gas consumption

Another important aspect to consider is the reduction in electricity and natural gas consumption. Various measures can be used in these two types of supplies to reduce the fee to be paid:

Save on natural gas

  • Keep the heating to a minimum to keep the house warm and to keep it well insulated.
  • Using waste heat and a pressure cooker can save 50%.
  • Use less hot water and thus avoid prolonged showers.

Save on electricity

  • Replace traditional bulbs with energy efficient bulbs.
  • Don't leave devices in a “standby” state.
  • Use the cold water program in both washing machines and dishwashers.

Just as it is important to save energy and natural gas in the home, water supply is a basic part of your total monthly spending. Therefore, understanding the different social bonds that exist is important for your economic savings.