Idea principal

The data show that among the expenses of housing for tourist use, 44.6% go to basic supplies and 43.3% to cleaning and laundry. What can we then do to reduce the time and costs of managing the operations of a tourist accommodation?

38 min
May 29, 2024

In this webinar, we talk about the role of Artificial Intelligence and trends in the sector, as well as the optimization of operations who spend the most time managing a Vacation Rental for the next summer season.

Press play and learn the keys to:

  • The role of Artificial Intelligence in the tourism industry
  • The value of operational data
  • Polaroo and Doinn: At the forefront of technological innovation
  • The Future of Vacation Rentals with AI
  • Success stories
  • Optimizing operational complexity


Noelia Novella, CEO and co-founder at Doinn 
Paula Garcés, Business Manager at Polaroo

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