Key idea

“The most important thing to consider in the gas discharge process is the starting situation at the supply point. This, together with knowledge of the market and its offer, will make the process smoother and more likely to succeed” - David Cebreiro, Love Team

Gas supply is necessary for many businesses or real estate assets. Not only is it essential to maintain daily operations, but it can also have a significant impact on operating costs. Registering this supply is a simple process, but with details to consider depending on whether you have a gas supply point and a change of ownership or reactivation is required or if the supply point does not exist and a new connection must be made.

Understanding the processes, timelines, and the different factors involved is crucial. How long does it take to discharge the gas, what are the steps to follow? , how much does it cost to discharge gas? , which is the right provider? , and what natural gas rate to contract? Let's figure it out.

1) Step by step for the activation of gas in your company

1. Choose a marketer of the free market or regulated market and the rate that best suits your needs

Within the free market, you have more than 230 gas trading companies with different rates and prices, while in the regulated market you have a fixed price established by the government.

To choose your rate, we recommend estimating your future needs, if it's a gas service you didn't have before, or validating your past consumption, if you already had a gas service.

From this, research the reputation of each supplier, customer reviews and prices, terms of stay, discounts, or additional benefits.

If you don't know your energy needs, you can hire a consultant to advise you on types of rates, depending on your contracted power. Polaroo is useful in helping you make the right and right decision.

2. Complete the application

Once you have chosen the retailer, be sure to provide accurate information to avoid delays. To do this, you must have:

For new attack:

  • CIF document.
  • DNI of the legal representative.
  • Gas installation certificate.
  • Lease agreement or legal writing.
  • Bank account number.

If you are going to register the service for change of ownership or reactivation, you will need in addition

  • DNI or CIF of the former holder.
  • CUPS (Unified Supply Point Code) number.
  • Meter reading. This data is usually requested by some retailers, while others wait until the end of the billing period.

3. Revision of your supply point

In case of a new connection and if you have access to the distribution network, you must call the distributor to install the meter and register the service. With this installation, the Gas Installation Certificate is generated.

If it is a change of owner or a reactivation, you may need a visit from a gas company technician, who will inspect the supply point to verify the correct operation of the meter.

4. Approval and costs

If all your documentation is in order, your request will be approved, and you will receive a quote for the gas connection. This way you can proceed with the payment.

5. Installation

The gas company will schedule the installation once payment has been received. Get ready for a technician to visit to set up the connection.
6. Testing and activation

After installation, the technician will perform tests to ensure that the connection meets safety standards. Once approved, your gas service will be activated.

2) How long does the gas discharge process take?

The time may vary depending on the type of registration we are carrying out:

Normally, it takes between 3 and 5 business days Why the Merchant process your request to change the owner or reactivate the supply.

In case you need A new attack, the installation of the meter and the new supply discharge, It may take 10 to 15 business days, depending on factors such as location and demand.

It should be noted that these deadlines are under normal conditions, but they may vary depending on the inconsistencies found in the review process or any other of the abnormal situations that we will tell you about later.

3) Financial considerations when registering gas in your business

Knowing the costs associated with high gas in your business is crucial to having a clear view of expenses and planning your budget. The start-up of the gas service involves the disbursement of contract fees, which cover both registration rights and connection rights:

Registration rights: The payment of connection fees to natural gas is a necessary obligation If you want to have a gas supply point. This applies whether you have never had gas in your home or establishment before, or if you discharged it more than 5 years ago, and now you want to re-register it. Its amount varies depending on the autonomous community and the type of rate, with an average ranging from €60 to €130.

Commitment rights: These apply only for new installations, and are charged in addition to registration fees. Its amount is unique for all of Spain and varies depending on the gas access rate or toll (RL.1, RL.2, RL3 or RL4), assigned by the distributor, depending on your annual consumption or taking as a reference an estimate of consumption. The average price to pay to register a new facility is between €100 and €500. These rights are valid for 5 years.

In addition to the cost of these rights, keep in mind that depending on the gas company you choose, additional installation costs, necessary equipment, permits and other amounts such as engagement fees may be involved. Be sure to request the breakdown or detail of the costs before requesting the installation.

After your business, premises or home has the infrastructure and the gas supply is operational, the collection of these rights will be issued and must be paid to the distributor through the first gas bill or receipt.

4) What problems can arise when discharging gas?

During the process of reactivating the gas service or when making a change of ownership, there may be incidents that delay the activation of the supply, such as:

  • Inconsistency in the documentation: The documents to be submitted are not correct, therefore, they delay registration.
  • Differences in the meter reading: differences are identified between the meter reading recorded on the invoice and the actual meter reading when providing the reading for the change. This involves communicating with the distributor, who sends a technician to verify what the data is correct or if there are any defects or faults in the meter.
  • Incorrect cancellation process: In this case, the previous owner terminates the service, and the new owner cannot manage the registration until the cancellation process is suspended. This involves additional management by the marketer and the distributor, in which there are often delays.

When hiring gas with a new connection, several problems or challenges may arise that you should consider:

  • Additional costs: Installing a new gas connection may involve additional costs that you may not have expected. These costs may include connecting to the gas distribution network, installing pipes and other necessary equipment.
  • Permits and regulations: you may need them before you can install the new gas connection. This can involve red tape and delays in the process.
  • Technical issues: during the installation of the new gas connection, unforeseen technical problems may arise that delay the process or require additional solutions.
  • Coordination with the distribution company: it is important to coordinate with the gas distribution company to ensure that the installation of the new connection is carried out in accordance with their standards and procedures.
  • Impact on property: The installation of a new gas connection may require excavation or other work that may cause discomfort or damage to property.

All of these inconveniences can alter the time required to register the gas service. It is essential to be prepared to face these potential problems and to work closely with the gas trading company and other professionals involved to ensure a successful and safe installation.

Your Polaroo manager helps you

Activating your gas service involves a systematic process with defined deadlines and costs, but it can become a complicated management if there are failures along the way.

By understanding each step and considering factors such as distributor options and rate plans, you can make informed decisions that align with your needs. For more help, don't hesitate to contact your Polaroo manager, ask us!

If you want to know more about us and about the advantages of a service that saves companies time and money in managing basic supplies, you can consult the webpage.