Key idea

The energy revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we produce, distribute and consume energy. In the context of coliving, it is applicable in different ways, from the infrastructure itself to the spaces and activities shared with guests.

Every May 16, the Day of Light is celebrated, a good occasion to reflect on the fundamental role that energy plays in our lives and to promote the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.

In the context of coliving, the green energy revolution offers a path to sustainability, taking advantage of energy efficiency and innovation in energy storage. By integrating these solutions in the design and operation of coliving spaces, we can create more conscious and resilient communities that not only meet the needs of current guests, but also protect the planet for future generations.

Therefore, in this article we will delve into what the energy revolution is and how we can apply it to coliving.

The energy revolution and environmental awareness

energy revolution and environmental awareness

The energy revolution represents a fundamental change in the way we produce, distribute and consume energy, driven by the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change. This transformation covers several areas, from the transition to renewable energy sources to the implementation of innovative technologies to increase energy efficiency.

A prominent example of the energy revolution is the rapid expansion of solar and wind energy. Around the world, solar and wind farms are proliferating (harnessing the power of the sun and wind to generate electricity in a clean and sustainable way) as inexhaustible energy sources that offer long-term financial stability.

In addition, the energy revolution is also taking place in the construction sector, with a growing focus on sustainable and energy efficient buildings. They include the integration of solar energy systems on roofs, the implementation of passive design techniques to maximize energy efficiency, and the use of eco-friendly construction materials.

This revolution is transforming the way we think about energy, promoting a change towards a cleaner, more sustainable and resilient system. By adopting renewable technologies and innovative energy practices, we can create a future where energy is abundant, accessible and environmentally friendly.

Specifically, the coliving sector emerges as an ideal space for the implementation of innovative solutions in green energy and energy efficiency just at the time when environmental awareness is the highest worldwide. Renewable energy (such as solar energy), efficient energy consumption and innovation in energy storage are already driving sustainability in coliving.

Coliving: More than a trend, a sustainable lifestyle

coliving as a sustainable lifestyle

Coliving, a way of life in which people share common spaces, without losing their own private spaces, has gained popularity in recent years. Not only does this model promote community and collaboration, but it also presents a unique opportunity to integrate sustainable practices into daily life.

Just as spaces such as the cafeteria, the gym or the terrace are shared, the Coliving guests they can switch to sharing electric vehicles (motorcycles, bikes, scooters), thus reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions. And if instead of having a microwave or fridge per person, they share the appliance with 4, we will achieve even more energy efficiency and we will reduce the energy consumption.

Renewable energy is the cornerstone of sustainability

Solar energy has become the undisputed protagonist of the green energy revolution. In coliving, installing solar panels on roofs can provide a clean, renewable source of electricity. In addition to reducing dependence on fossil fuels, solar energy can help lower energy costs in the long term, which benefits both residents and coliving operators.

Solar panels

The advantages of installing solar panels in a Coliving building or building are several. La First advantage It's the Reduction of the electricity bill (the cost of bills will go down as much as solar energy produces the panels). La Second advantage Is that the cost of installation pays for itself in a relatively short period of time and once the cost is covered, energy will be free for coliving (Return on Investment or ROI is key). There are also grants and grants to install solar panels on a farm, such as PREE5000 Program in Spain or the EcoVivienda Plan in Andalusia.

Photovoltaic installations reduce CO2 emissions by 2 tons per year for every peak kilowatt installed. The lifespan of a solar panel can be at least 25 years, and it requires little maintenance. Thus, we see that the price-efficiency ratio is very good and it is a profitable option in the long term.

Technological challenges and developments

One of the technological challenges related to green energy is the storage of that energy. The problem with renewable energy, such as solar energy, is its intermittent nature.

However, the innovation in energy storage offers promising solutions to mitigate this problem. Storage batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, allow you to store excess energy generated during the day for use at night or on cloudy days. This technology not only increases the energy range of coliving, but it also contributes to the stability of the electricity grid in general.

Efficient management of energy consumption

efficient management of energy consumption

A crucial part of sustainability in coliving is the efficient management of energy consumption. Implementing intelligent technologies, such as motion sensors and programmable thermostats, can help optimize energy use both in shared spaces and in individual units. In addition, encouraging energy conservation practices among guests, such as turning off unnecessary lights and reducing the use of electronic devices, can have a significant impact on reducing the carbon footprint of coliving.

Currently, 80% of greenhouse gas emissions come from energy production. In other words, consuming energy involves producing it first, and that initial step is already polluting. There are 760 million people in the world who do not have electricity, and another 2.7 billion consume energy from unhealthy fuels.

For this reason, Sustainable Development Goal 7, “Affordable and clean energy”, seeks to guarantee access to clean and affordable energy, which is key not only for the development of businesses and communications, but also for the development of agriculture, education, health and transport.

To ensure this universal access in 2030, the plan is to invest in clean energy sources, such as solar, wind and thermal energy. For this reason, working on infrastructure and technology become essential objectives to contribute to environmental development.

In Spain, the Government created the National Integrated Plan for Energy and Climate 2021-2030, in which he set as objectives:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% compared to 1990.
  • Ensure that 32% of energy consumption comes from renewable sources.
  • Improve energy efficiency by 32.5%

Promoting green coliving thanks to new technologies

There are also more and more management software to promote a more efficient and sustainable path, such as Polaroo as the only all-in-one solution for managing basic supplies.

In this regard, at Polaroo we work to contribute to sustainable development through business intelligence, analytics and process automation. Our management software collects and centralizes all the invoices for the various basic supplies of a property, allowing management processes to be optimized with different suppliers and accounting to be more accurate.

Thanks to digitalization, Polaroo's software makes it easy to view information on the consumption of expenses and payments, and recurring data monitoring makes it possible to detect, for example, water leaks or excessive peaks in electricity consumption. This, together with the team of experts, who work on continuous monitoring for the detection of incidents, are opened savings opportunities in the contracted energy powers.

The study of supply contracts optimizes energy efficiency, reduces costs and reduces environmental impact. Therefore, betting on automation for supply management in Coliving it is a service that is increasingly providing more results and increasing efficiency thanks to technological innovation.