Key idea

“Sustainable consumption is everyone's responsibility. Adopting habits such as reducing, reusing and recycling allows us to take care of the environment and contribute to a more sustainable future. Small changes to our daily routine can make a difference!”

Since a few years ago concern for the planet is increasing. Changing our personal habits, our routine, depends on a decision. The decision to say “yes” to caring for the planet and protecting the environment.

8 out of 10 citizens consider sustainability to be very important within their consumer preferences, while 59% recognize that it is too difficult for them to maintain a sustainable consumption rate and lifestyle.

But what is it really responsible consumption? An attitude which involves making well-thought-out decisions about the products that are purchased or the services that are contracted, considering their environmental, social and economic consequences.

The reality is that with a decision and small gestures, we can do a lot of good for the environment. Changing small daily routines is the best way to start.

You may be wondering... Pero Polaroo What can I personally do to have a more sustainable consumption? Well come on, I'm going to share my tricks with you!


Easy habits to be more eco and sustainable


♻️ Habit 1: Find multiple uses for products and objects!

I am convinced that many of the things you buy can have a thousand and one uses. I love this habit because it brings out our most creative side. Many of the products you consume can have a second life (if you want) and the first step to achieve this is: reuse and, of course, be original!

The bottles can be converted into flower pots or the perfect place to store vegetables. And even more so if you customize them to your liking! Glass yogurt containers look great as candleholders, and canning cans are very useful for organizing your drawers. Let your creativity run wild and make designs to your liking!


👕 Habit 2: Bet on sustainable fashion!

The lack of knowledge can lead us to make mistakes when it comes to consuming clothes.

To put you in context, to produce any conventional piece of clothing (those that cost us very little), many litres of water are needed and about 30% is contaminated, pesticides, detergents, dyes are used and, most importantly, it damages the health and quality of life of the people who are responsible for making it.

Solution? Do your bit and bet on sustainable fashion.

The first thing to do is to consider if you need all the clothes you have and, even more so, all the clothes you want to buy. Think about the possibility of modifying or reusing a garment, giving it another use that suits your current tastes. And, secondly, find out about the condition of the clothes you buy.


➖ Habit 3: Always think that less is more

I love this one! Because it is the true foundation of any sustainable model.

I'll be brief: don't buy just for the sake of accumulating things. Control! Do it only when you need something.


💪🏽 Habit 4: Support sustainable consumption initiatives

On the one hand, I encourage you to look for what products you have can have a second life, even if you are not the one who is going to give it to them, surely there are many people who want to do so!

They can be textiles, but also books, furniture... Almost everything deserves a second chance! And just as when it comes to shopping, there are very special products in second-hand stores!

But what you can always do is support sustainable consumption campaigns or initiatives that you know or discover. How? Spreading them! As you can see, this is a very small effort in the era of social networks, but it's a big help. There's no excuse, you have a lot of tools to do it!


📑 Habit 5: Ask for information

Don't be ashamed or afraid! Only those who dare to ask get answers. I encourage you to Ask for details about the products you buy, that you read, that you stop and think about whether what you are going to do or buy is the best thing for the planet and, above all, for you.

If you don't know, ask for information about their origin or components. The more information you have at your fingertips, the more sustainable your decision will be.


🌿 Habit 6: Use natural resources properly

With small daily gestures you can use less water, control electrical energy, etc.

The rational use of these resources depends only on you. Turning off the light in rooms that are not used or switching to energy-efficient light bulbs are just two of the many actions you can take to rationally use energy. And of course to save!


🤲🏼 Small gestures make the difference

There is a quote by Eduardo Galeano that I love, “a lot of small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world.”

I could keep talking to you for hours about everything you can do to promote sustainable consumption or change your habits, but I'm not going to do it. Because now it's your turn to do, apply and find a way to change everything you do in its most sustainable form. I have already given you some instructions!

So with Eduardo Galeano's phrase and a very related piece of advice, I want to say goodbye: Recycle even if the neighbour in front doesn't, don't buy for the sake of buying even if you see the shopping malls full, reuse it even if the one next door doesn't understand it, or you're not in fashion.

Because even if the rest aren't, you do. Because “small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world”.

See you soon.