Key idea

“Reducing your company's carbon footprint is essential to contribute to caring for the environment. Implementing sustainable measures and promoting ecological awareness among employees are key actions to achieve this.”

The carbon footprint is the tool that allows us to know what our environmental impact is.

Companies and organizations, with their activity, the raw materials and the waste they generate, cause a significant environmental impact. In other words, they leave their mark. But is it possible to reduce that footprint? Yes, and that's what I'm here to talk to you about in this article.

In the case of companies, everything starts with a change of approach to establish policies that promote the reduction of greenhouse gases. And you may be asking yourself “what are the lines of action?”

The main ones are: the implementation of renewable energies, policies for the mobility of workers and goods, the establishment of more efficient technologies, and the reduction of resource consumption. '

Why it's important for my company to reduce its carbon footprint

Reducing our carbon footprint is important at all levels: personal and business to minimize our contribution to global warming.

It is true that In the business environment, there are more sources of emission that contribute significantly to this warming and it's critical that you impose a numerical data, also called KPI, just as you do at other levels in your organization. This will serve to direct your actions as a company towards sustainability and, in this way, know if your efforts as an organization are working.

What would be a good and effective sustainability strategy? One that produces a significant reduction in the carbon footprint in your organization.

How is the carbon footprint calculated?

It is important to calculate it following a systematized and proven methodology. The result is obtained by multiplying the Activity data (or consumer) by its corresponding Emission factor.

Based on this formula, there are several methodologies for calculating the carbon footprint (UNE-ISO 14064, GHG Protocol, etc.). You can find more information hither.

Measures my company can take to reduce its carbon footprint

In this list you will find a series of measures you can take to reduce the impact of your carbon footprint on your business, but it is important that you establish, from here on, your own and concrete plan of action for your company.

Here are several tips for reducing the carbon footprint in the business environment:

  • Utilize light sensors in your offices or premises: this way the light will only be on when strictly necessary and, the rest of the time, it will remain off.
  • Take advantage of natural light: for example, if you have a restaurant, try to keep the tables as close to the windows so that you can make the most of the natural light that comes through them.
  • Install renewable energy systems For the air conditioning: they will help you promote self-consumption and save on electricity.
  • Adjust the air conditioning temperature: For this reason, it is important that you use thermostats. Always remember that each additional degree increases your bill by approximately 3 cents.
  • Replace your equipment of air conditioning by others that work with refrigerants with lower PCG.
  • Keep your air conditioning and electrical equipment turned off, as long as they are not needed or are not being used.
  • Periodically check electrical equipment of your business to ensure that they are working properly.
  • Buy efficient equipment energetically whenever possible.
  • Utilize energy efficient lighting and air conditioning systems or of maximum energy efficiency.
  • Implant ecodesign measures in the manufacture of the products.
  • Manage resources properly, that generates your business.
  • Hiring of suppliers committed to the environment for your supplies. In Polaroo we manage the basic supplies of companies of all types of sizes and sectors, looking for suppliers that meet a series of conditions that guarantee alignment with your company's environmental policy.

In conclusion, reducing our carbon footprint is key as a company (and as people) to minimize the contribution to global warming. In the business environment, there are multiple sources of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute significantly to global warming, and It is critical to have a numerical data that helps us to reduce our actions towards sustainability.