If you have read the Article about changes in electricity rates starting in June 2021 or if you have been told about this update, and you are aware of the new 2.0TD rate, you're probably thinking that all this change is a lot of unnecessary mess to end up paying more for the same thing.
But, good news! If you follow these tips, you can take advantage of the change in electricity rates and reduce your electricity costs:
1. It consumes electricity when it is cheaper
Whatever contract you have, the main way to save is to adaptadapt your consumption to the schedule. If you make the most of off-peak hours (the cheapest) and reduce your electricity consumption during peak hours (the expensive ones), you can save money on your electricity bill.
Not sure how to apply it? Here are some tips for using electricity during off-peak hours:
- Schedule the dishwashers so that it turns on between 00:00 and 08:00 h, instead of after lunch or in the middle of the afternoon.
- Put the washing machines and dryers during the weekend to take advantage of off-peak hours.
- If you are going to use the oven To cook, try to cookCook more than one dish at a time (dinner or lunch the next day) to make the most of its use. In addition, you can turn it off a few minutes earlier and finish cooking with the waste heat without adding to your bill.
These changes can directly help you to Lower your electricity bill if you have a time discrimination contract, but they can also help you indirectly if you have a fixed price contract, and you upgrade your power.
2. Optimize your contracted power
The rate change is expected to reduce the fixed cost of your corresponding bill and the contracted power. However, you can save even more if you optimize your contracted powers to the ones you really need.
If you move all the consumption of your large appliances to off-peak hours, you may be interested to keepKeep your power on the cheap stretch (valley period) and reduce the contracted power in the expensive section (peak period).
If you have never changed your power nor have you considered whether you have the one you really need hired, this is a good time to do so, since many times we pay for a power greater than what we need.
And how do you change power?
For managing the power change, you can call your electricity company or go to your online portal (if you have one) and process it there directly. You can also ask a manager or advisor like Polaroo to do it for you.
However, lowering the contracted power has a regulated cost of €10.94 and companies are only required to change power once a year.
3. Find the best price
As always, search a supplier or company with a lower price and/or better conditions at the same price, it's the easiest way to lower your electricity bill.
Whether you already pay a fixed price rate, or if you have a variable rate, this is a good time to review your prices and conditions and ask yourself if a change of company or rate would benefit you.
On this last point, we can help you from Polaroo with our advisory service. To do this, you just have to send us an invoice, and we will analyse the market for you free of charge at marketing@polaroo.com to find the best possible option.