Key idea

“Finding the best electricity, gas and internet companies has never been easier. Polaroo offers you a detailed comparison so you can choose the option that best suits your needs and save time and money.”

We agree that a company wouldn't be possible without a cool team And, the truth is, I have a really cool one.

What why? I don't know what grades they got in college, but everyone has a 12 in attitude, good vibes, desire (to work and learn) and in nonconformity. And I'll tell you something, that's much more important than any training.

With that said, forgive me for getting involved, but I had to be a proud father.

If you think about my team, it only comes to mind: those in the marketing department, customer support, technology...

But no, my team goes above and beyond. It is also made up of the suppliers that we choose to accompany us on the journey.

And you, who have already read “supplier” think: surely you choose them because of the commissions you receive.

Well, my friend, we're not going to tell you that having sources of income isn't important.
But there is something beyond that money cannot buy and that, without a doubt, is securities.

Non we choose our suppliers For money, we chose them if they share our values, ideas, goals and above all, our desire to make life easier for our customers.

That's probably why we don't have that many, but we do have the best.

What is Polaroo's relationship with suppliers

We like to be absolutely transparent, so first I want to tell you what kind of relationship we have with the suppliers we offer and how we make money (which I'm sure you've asked yourself some other questions).

When we formalize an agreement with a supplier that meets all the requirements we consider important, the party begins!

And, like any party, if you want to enter you have to pay a ticket, because we do something like that.

For every customer that starts using the supply from one of our suppliers, and has come through us to his party, they pay us a commission!

Which electricity, gas or internet companies can Polaroo switch you to

Before continuing, I want you to know that we have more supplies: insurance, maintenance, self-consumption, and the odd one that will arrive very soon! But so that this does not become endless, we are going to focus on the party of electricity, gas and internet supplies.

Another day we're already getting into the maintenance, supply and insurance party, and we'll tell you what songs they play for us!

💡 Light supply suppliers

Here we have several! Specifically, 4: Holaluz, Lucera, Ovo, Pepe Energy, Bulb and Gain Energy.

Why do we work with them? Because they have a commitment to the environment (everyone has 100% renewable energy) and that is essential to be a Polaroo supplier!

On the other hand, they have an impeccable digital service And even though I'm talking to you like a colleague, I'm an app! So if something defines me, besides my sympathy, it's my digitalization!

They have no hidden clauses, Things are clear! And they think solely and exclusively about making things easier for the customer.

And I am playing the proud father again, but they are very good at what they do!

📡 Internet providers

In this area, we work with a combination of large and local companies: Connectivity, Amena, Simyo, Orange, Yoigo and Jazztel.

What do they all have in common? They have a virtual customer area, and that can only mean availability at all times and quick response to incidents!

Moreover, Amena and Yoigo are at the top of the Consumer and User Organization thanks to their customer service.

🔥 Gas suppliers

Here we have Holaluz, Gain Energy and Lucera! Once again, all of our gas suppliers have! Virtual customer area! And they have electronic invoicing, very easy to understand. Although we don't need to tell you that, if there's anything you don't understand about your bill, you can ask our team of experts!

Yyyyyy... Good news again! Because these companies are also at the top of the Consumer and User Organization thanks to their super customer service.

Why Polaroo offers me one or the other provider

And we came to the end.

When Polaroo makes you the study your bills' electricity, internet, insurance, mobile phone, maintenance, repairs... And it offers you alternatives, offers you options with good rates and very competitive prices but, above all, that comply with these values that, for us, are indispensable!

In addition, something you need to know is that they are selected according to the customer's consumption profile, that is, your study It's absolutely personalised.

And, for now, these suppliers are the only ones that meet all the requirements for us. But, we're always looking for more, and open to talking to new people! To offer you the best alternatives.

Soon I'll be back and talk to you about the insurance, maintenance and other supply providers that we also work with. That's good for today!