Key idea

“Energy sustainability is key to the future of companies. Adopting renewable energy sources not only reduces environmental impact, but also generates significant savings.”

Every year, more of you are looking for companies that use renewable energy, but is this task feasible? Currently, we have in Spain with more than 250 electricity companies and the number of gas companies is around 300. Knowing which one offers a greener service can be difficult.

Focusing on electric companies, Most of the energy they produce in our country is neither renewable nor clean, because it comes from thermal or nuclear power plants. Around 24.5% of the energy we consume comes from gas, and it is not renewable either. An interesting thing is that we tend to associate big brands with the most sustainable ones on the market. But just because they're big and well-known doesn't mean they're the greenest.

☢️ Top 6 of the most polluting energy companies

Let's do a top 6 of the companies in the energy sector that have polluted the most this year. According to the Sustainability Observatory, this would be the list of companies that emit the most CO₂ emissions:

Table top most polluting companies-1

💡 Do you know sustainable alternatives?

To address this situation, solar self-consumption is presented as the main alternative. It consists of the generation of electrical energy autonomously in which you, as a consumer, manager or owner of apartments and premises, are an energy producer through solar panels. In this case, it can be a very attractive alternative, but be careful with the small print.

  • Install solar panels It means greener production, but its manufacture is not sustainable. It also involves a very high initial cost, and recovering the investment (panels, inverters, batteries, installation, etc.) can take many years depending on the efficiency of the solar panels. This may be much lower than that presented by commercials in the sector. On the other hand, Its efficiency depends on the available sunlight and in addition, space is needed for its location and regular cleaning maintenance is needed for its proper functioning. We will talk about this topic in the next article.
  • Another way to be aware of the environmental impact is to observe the mandatory classification in supply invoices, which indicates a measure of sustainability on the origin of the energy consumed from A to G, with A being the most sustainable option and G the least.

🌱 Who are the marketers of renewable energy in Spain?

In this regard, we are going to leave you a list of the main distributors of renewable energy in Spain. All of them buy electricity in the wholesale market and sell it at a price that depends on supply and demand:

renewable energy suppliers

♻️ 9 tips to be more sustainable

Choosing a green company for your supplies is great, but we also want to give you some tips that will help you be more sustainable in managing your basic supplies in your home or business. Every little effort adds up, and by adopting these habits, you'll be contributing positively to caring for the environment.

  1. Take advantage of natural light: Open curtains and blinds in your office during the day to make the most of natural light instead of turning on the lights. Use energy-efficient LED bulbs for your apartments and premises.
  2. Disconnect devices: Disconnect electronic devices and device chargers when they are not in use (printers, computers, lamps, landlines...). Even in standby mode, they still consume energy.
  3. Insulate your office or apartments: Make sure that the interiors are well insulated to maintain the desired temperature, even if the temperatures are extreme inside. By sealing doors and windows, you will avoid unnecessary heat or cold losses.
  4. Control the heating and air conditioning: uses programmable thermostats to adjust the temperature as needed. Lowering the heating a few degrees in winter or raising it in summer can save a lot of energy.
  5. Repair leaks: Make sure there are no leaks in taps, pipes, or toilets in your home. A simple leak can waste a large amount of water over time.
  6. Recycle and reuse: If you change phones and other devices, consider recycling or reusing your old device instead of discarding it.
  7. Turn off unnecessary connections: Turn off Wi-Fi and other connections when you don't need them to reduce the energy consumption of your mobile devices.
  8. Control data usage: limits unnecessary data usage and downloads to reduce energy consumption and the environmental impact associated with data transfer.
  9. Opt for sustainable plans: research mobile phone companies that have a sustainable approach and offer plans or services that promote environmental responsibility.

👩🏻 ‍ 💻 Your Polaroo manager informs you

From Polaroo we will always encourage you to be greener and so is your business. If you have questions about this topic, do not hesitate to contact your manager, he can answer any question related to the sustainability of your supplies. Ask us!

If you want to know more about Polaroo and about the advantages of hiring our service, you can consult the webpage.