Controlá and Polaroo: Optimize your vacation rental with advanced home automation

At Polaroo, we believe that home automation is transforming vacation rentals by introducing advanced technologies that optimize operations and consumption of supplies, improve the guest experience and promote sustainability. Together with Controlá, we help managers and owners of tourist homes to reduce operating costs and increase the profitability of their properties, keeping them at the forefront of the latest technological developments in an increasingly competitive market.
In the digital era, home automation is no longer the future, it is the present. It is a key technological tool to transform the vacation rental. The integration of advanced technology is critical to maintaining operational efficiency, improving the guest experience and ensuring sustainability.
Home automation, which integrates technology into a building to automate tasks and send alerts to prevent damage, as well as improving the comfort, safety and energy efficiency of the space, plays a crucial role in this transformation.
In this context, at Polaroo we have control as one of our partnerships to bring efficiency and value to your business. Together, we join forces with the objective of offering a complete and efficient solution that allows managers and owners of homes and tourist apartments to optimize the consumption of resources, reduce costs and increase the profitability of their properties.
Therefore, in this article, we will explore why home automation is redefining the future of vacation rentals, providing managers and owners with the necessary tools to stay ahead of the latest technological developments.
Polaroo and controls to optimize holiday rentals with advanced home automation
Efficient resource management is a critical challenge for property managers and owners. El water consumption of apartments and tourist homes, as well as energy, gas, among others, can be high, especially in properties occupied during peak seasons. This leads to an increase in operating costs, in addition to a significant impact on the environment.
Fortunately, there are technologies that can help us manage supplies more efficiently, reducing consumption and therefore the cost and improving sustainability in the operation of buildings:
Controlá introduces an advanced automation and intelligent alarm system, which they instantly adjust the temperature, humidity, lighting status, air conditioning and appliances, turning off devices when the property is unoccupied. This technology not only reduces energy consumption by up to 35%, but also minimizes water waste, with an estimated annual savings of 15,000 Iitres.
With Polaroo software, we offer a platform that automatically extract invoices for basic supplies (such as water, electricity, gas, internet, etc.). Not only does this allow you to centralize all the information about your homes in one place, but it also gives you visibility of consumption patterns and the evolution of costs.
If, for example, you make an investment in home automation with Controlá, Polaroo would allow you to see how the consumption of your bills is decreasing every month and so are the associated costs.
These data-driven technologies become essential if we want to maximise operational efficiency, reduce costs and improve the sustainability of properties.
The guest experience is one of the decisive factors in the success of any vacation rental in a highly competitive market.
On the other hand, Controlá's solutions allow home managers and owners to integrate smart devices into their properties, improving safety, convenience and connectivity. In this respect, home automation is responsible for automating the installations and services of a home, from air conditioning and access control to fire and burglary prevention.
For example, guests can enjoy climate control tailored to their preferences and access the property via dynamically generated codes, while Property Managers also benefit from receiving real-time alerts on any incidents, such as open doors or unusual energy consumption. These smart alerts not only prevent potential break-ins, but also contribute to the energy efficiency and overall security of the space.
In addition, fast connectivity is crucial for travellers, who expect to be able to access high-speed Wi-Fi and manage all aspects of their stay from their mobile device. This level of connectivity with home automation is being monitored in real time, resetting the modem if it detects that the internet is not working and sending a technician if necessary.
The future of the sector is closely linked to the development of new technologies in home automation and automated management. In fact, the artificial intelligence in vacation rentals is becoming the fundamental pillar of leading platforms.
Solutions based on artificial intelligence and big data provide a detailed analysis of consumption patterns and guest behaviour, facilitating the personalization of services and the optimization of resources. This ability to anticipate guest needs and adjust operations in real time is a key differentiator in a market where innovation is increasingly valued.
As the demand for sustainable tourism continues to grow, the implementation of technologies that promote sustainability is not only an ethical need, but also a business opportunity. Adopting sustainable practices can improve the profitability of short-term properties, attracting an expanding market segment that values green initiatives. According to a study on sustainable travel, 79% of the travel community say they want to travel more sustainably.
For this reason, implementing home automation technologies not only reduces resource consumption, also positions properties as responsible and sustainable options.
Consequently, partnering with Controlá we facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices through the automated control of supplies such as energy and water, which helps to reduce the carbon footprint.
This combination of energy efficiency and sustainability enhances the property's reputation and can increase demand from guests who value these aspects.
For home managers and owners interested in staying ahead of the curve, implementing technologies in vacation rentals with home automation systems is an important avenue.
And at Polaroo and Controlá, we offer a phased approach to integrating advanced technologies into properties.
On the other hand, with Controlá's automation experts, the steps to follow to save costs in your properties are:
In addition, with the use of Polaroo management software for vacation rentals, only with the logins of your suppliers, your data is centralized. Polaroo connects to them to extract invoices and process them. In this way, you obtain the actual consumption and cost data associated with each supply of each property. This data can be broken down by period, square meter or number of tenants.
Thanks to access to historical data, you can review and analyse consumption patterns; key information for making more informed decisions, thus optimizing every aspect of the operation.
With both technologies, the savings are twofold, as there is a saving in energy consumption and a saving in the energy contract, maximising the efficiency of the holiday rental. With all this, property managers and owners who adopt these technologies will be better positioned to face the challenges of the future, ensuring that their homes and tourist apartments are, in addition to being more efficient, more attractive to the current needs of travellers.
Our service fees pay for themselves with the time and money saved by using Polaroo.